Stoked to surf this wave in Indonesia this November with our crew heading there to surf, help distribute water from our system and build up the local church


Gonna do a slightly less radical version of this soon with some friends. Stayed tuned!


We have had 8 people at church - we have had 80 people at church. God has done so many beautiful things in peoples lives the past 5 years


You have a lot of people that you'll get to know in your life, people will come and people will go. But the Bible says that there's a friend who sticks closer than a brother. God will literally be with you and work in you and through you in every season, every reason, every age, every stage, every place, and everything that you face in your life.

I love Jesus so much, it's why I get up every morning and I spend the first hour of my day in prayer/bible and then I go surfing. I'm not saying that Jesus makes me go surfing, I'm saying that I like to talk to him before I do anything else each and every day, and then I just go surfing because I like it, and it's fun and it's healthy, and it helps me stay in a good spot in my life as I try to serve God.

Now, Proverbs 18, 24 says, a man who has friends must himself be friendly, makes sense. You reap what you sow, people give off an energy, they give off a vibe, they have a spirit about them, they have a personality, and if you are a friendly person, you'll have friends. And if you're an unfriendly person, you're gonna find it really hard to have friends in this life. And so this doesn't have to do with being an extrovert or an introvert, you can be an introvert and still be friendly.

This has to do with a way that you relate to people. And if you relate to people as a friend and you're kind, you'll always have a lot of friends. But beyond that, the Bible says that there's a friend who sticks closer than a brother, and I have a lot of brothers in my life. I'm blessed, I have some great friends, Mark, Bobby, Adam, Justin, Kurt, my friend, Davin. I have got some amazing brothers, Dustin, Nicko, in my life. I am so blessed by them and how they're there for me.

Now I've got some really close brothers in my life, but the Bible says that Jesus actually sticks closer than a brother. Jesus is there every time you pray, Jesus is there every time you're in his word, Jesus is there in every situation and every circumstance that you face in your life. And I do not know where I would be without my faith in Jesus and without talking with him each and every day in my life. I wanna encourage you to do the same.

In fact, you may just say right now, hey, Jesus, be my friend. Jesus, be closer to me than a brother. And if you do, he will, and he'll help you to do that right now just by that simple prayer, just saying, Jesus, be my friend. Stay close to me. I want to be close to you through each and everything that I face in my life. And there's a comfort and a peace and a confidence that you get in your life when you realize that Jesus is the closest thing to you in your life. There's a comfort, there's a peace, there's a confidence that comes when you understand that Jesus always has your back. Jesus is always there for you. And Jesus will always show you the way that you're supposed to respond to the situations and the things that you face each and every day in your life. That in and of itself, my friend, is all the reason to be as close as possible to the friend who is closer than a brother.

Well, thanks so much for joining me today. Until next time, I hope that Jesus is the friend that you have in your life. Until next time, have a great day.

Dr. Ryan Delamater